Sunday, March 25, 2001

Ahhhh!!! It's been ages since I have posted an update! So here I am. By now, the first few items of the 2001 Gene line have shipped. I managed to get Madra's Cold Shoulder outfit off eBay and I must say it is AWESOME. Here's my review:

First the color DOES NOT photograph well. It looks rather flat. In actuality it is a gorgeous dusty greenish blue with brown undertones. The dress is lined in a light grey. There is wonderful draping around the waist and hips and off-center at the top of this draping is a cluster of aqua rhinestones. The cluster matches the jewelry which is a step up for AD. A simple twisted necklace of gold and aqua, and peachy clear (glass I might add!!) in a nice scale. There is also a matching bracelet and earrings. The draping I mentioned earlier, circles in the back, the hem fishtails, and is slit up to the knee in the front. A nice addition is that weights are placed on either side of the slit to keep it down. The fur is wired and a light taupy brown color, a tail dangling from each end. The purse is gold lame with an aqua rhinestone, two snaps to close it. Now the wonderful surprises! A pair of tap pants in the same fabric as the dress and lace topped thigh high fishnets in a similiar color!!! (A first on a dressed doll!! Hope this is a sign of things to come in the future!)

Oh yes the shoes, ribbon ties, but a nice pair. They are aqua chiffon with a gold stripe down the center, on gold bases.

The story card still reads "The Debut Collection of Madra Lord" and the inside photo is absolutly HORRIBLE. It's like they took the prototype stuck her down and took her pic. It's not the promo shot we first saw.

I give the outfit an 8, on a scale of 1 to 10.

So what have I been doing...well popping heads for one. I'm determined to create a "wig doll." I managed to get her head popped off this time without any injury to myself or Miss Marshall.

Here's the finished result: (takes a bit to load, but its worth the wait :o) Off With Her Head!!