Sunday, December 29, 2002

More 2003 tidbits in Contemporary Doll Collector, you can see, the scanned pictures here.

I have many thoughts on the state of fashion doll collecting in 2003, but I will save those for when they completely gel together.

And I have been hearing interesting rumors about the Gene line for 2003 as well...will we really only see dressed dolls? Time will tell.

Friday, December 27, 2002

I admit, I have been a little lax in posting updates, but real life has a way of keeping you away from things you enjoy. I hope everyone had a pleasant holiday, and here is an early Happy New Year wish: Happy New Year!!

So like I said, I've been kinda out of it, not checking Vicky's daily like I usually do, but today I checked on a whim and I am glad I did. Thanks to Jo for posting these pictures scanned from the most recent issue of Doll Reader magazine. I can't wait for my issue to arrive in the mail, not to mention seeing these beauties in the vinyl at IDEX at the end of January.

So I was then reading the resulting commentary on the outfits...and I have something to say about something I like to call consumer fickleness. Yes, it's true we all want tailored outfits...but we keep getting poufy ball gowns. I want tailored outfits as much as the next person (they take up less space in displays, LOL) but Ashton Drake is going to produce what sells...

In the December 2002 issue of Doll World magazine there was an article called, "The Gene Marshall Collection: Bringing Back Hollywood's Golden 'Daze'" with interviews with Mel, Jim Howard, Boram Kim, Kirk Swank and Joan Green (who has since moved on to bigger and better things). I found this part of the interview with Joan particularly interesting:

Q. Of which project are you most proud?

The Young Designers of America Program...(highlights of the Program described)...We changed people's lives.

Biggest flop?

Misjudging the difference between what collectors tell you they want, and what they really want. They say they want costumes of everyday clothes like they wore, but what they buy are the fancy ball gowns.

So yes, it comes down to the mighty dollar once again.

2003 will be a very interesting year.

In other areas, eBay chose the Bratz dolls as one of the hottest holiday toys! A random search proved this true with 18 pages of Bratz loot! 2003 proves to be another great year for this doll with already new things introduced including a new BratzBoy and new Lil' Bratz not to mention a whole new series of Bratz girls. I still think the Stylin' Spa was one of the coolest things from this year.

And Bleuette, what a charmer that girl is! Le Salon de Bleuette is growing by leaps and bounds. I have learned so much about Bleuette as well as other antique dolls since August. It just reminds me again that Doll People are some of the greatest people around.

Once again, Happy New Year! Here's to the best in 2003!

Tuesday, December 03, 2002


First one is Conde Nast Art. Here you can find fifty years of magazine covers of Vogue, Madamoiselle, Gourmet, Vanity Fair and House and Garden.

Here's a very cool Vanity Fair cover of Greta Garbo from 1932:

And cool link #2 is Dollmasters. Here you will find many wonderful antique reproductions, as well as other delights for you and your dolls. I am particularly fond of their German miniatures for my Lawton Little Princess.

Monday, December 02, 2002

Sunday, December 01, 2002

A correction: Thanks to Vicki in CA...the outfit I described as being one of my favorites at signing at The Brass Horse, the belt was actually from Safari DOH! LOL. I think I knew that...I think. Okay who am I kidding? LOL. But great work Vicki! I think I will have to try that combination.

And tomorrow (okay, you got me later today) there is a Golden Gate Gene Club meeting. I can't wait! I've got Madra dressed to the nines while Gene and Trent are going a bit more casual. Bleuette will be there too with her new toys! Hope to see you there!