Tuesday, July 22, 2003

And the new Tonner character is Angelina! Here's a link to one already on eBay.

And if that weren't enough, Matt, Tyler's boyfriend (Showing up at the Ball with another date! The gossip mogers will be swarming! ;o) also made his debut! Here's a link to see him. (Also another eBay auction.)

The jury is still out for me on Angelina. I would have to see a clearer picture of her. She reminds me of someone, I just can't place a finger on it. As for Matt? I won't be buying him, and that's all I will say on the subject, or else, I will start to sound very rude.

The UFDC National Convention is underway as we speak! And tonight is the Robert Tonner dinner. Will we see the unveiling of the rumored new Hispanic character? Only time will tell...

This morning, also saw a breakfast organized by Janice Naibert, for the members of Le Salon de Bleuette. It was a HUGE sucess with 56 eager Salon members attending and more dropping by later. I wish I could have been there, but alas, I was here in California.

I was there in spirit, I created a pin to hand out to all those attending:

The image is an actual Bleuette ad from 1918.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

And don't forget the new Brenda Starr Mid-Year Releases!

Wow. I have been out of it. Lots of things spinning around in the Doll World though. Thanks to my friend Vera for sending me the link to Tonner's 2003 Mid-Year Releases. The mix and match separates are a FABULOUS idea, reminiscent of the the Pak's from the Golden Age of Barbie. And then, I just had to look at the "Tiny Dolls" link. Two new trunk sets for Tiny Betsy (Halloween and Christmas) as well as a new Mary Engelbreit doll the same size as Tiny Betsy! Guess who is going to share outfits? *wink*

The UFDC National Convention is just about upon us. Although I won't be attending this year, it looks like there is going to be alot of fun going on! Bleuette will be making MANY appearances!