Blogger is driving me crazy! (For those of you wondering, Blogger is the service that brings me to you. :o)
I just wanted to take this moment to welcome the new readers who have made their way here. So
Welcome! This "blog" (weblog, for the uninitiated) is an offshoot of my main site,
The Kristana Spa which can also be found
here on my
Geocities account. I am currently in the process of revamping the entire site and plan to have "wings" (remember it is a "resort" complex for fashion dolls) dedicated to all sorts of dolls, including Tonner, Madame Alexander, Gene, Peteena, Franklin Mint, Bratz, Barbie, and my new love, Wendy Lawton dolls, just to name a few.
At the
top of the page you'll notice some quick acess links to other areas of the
blog including my
Photopoint albums, useful links for all doll collectors, my favorite doll links, company sites, the
archives of this site, as well as the guestbook. There is also a
project section!
For those of you new with the structure of a
blog, the newest posts are at the top. So if you choose to read the entire page, you will be reading backwards. Or if you prefer you can start at the bottom and read upwards. After each post you will notice a
timestamp. It's white, so that means its a
link. And a very handy one at that. If you click on it, it will give you the URL of that
exact post. So if for whatever reason you want to link to a post and not the blog in its entirety, click on that and it will give you the URL, then copy and paste it where ever! Next to the timestamp, you will see another link that says "Comment [0]." If you want to add your own comments to a particular post, click on the comment link and a new window will pop up where you can comment on the post I made. It makes
The Spa Log truly interactive.
That's all I can think of for now. Again welcome. I hope you enjoy your visit! :o)